Frank used to live in China. Along with being a comic book artist, a screen writer, a author, and all around great guy, he hosts Chinese tutorials and did so in China.
Our stray cat is making herself more at home. She comes in not just to eat now, but to hang out. Frank and I are worried that this is a bad choice as we are going to be moving to China so shortly. Just as she makes herself a home inside, we'll have to kick her out to move again. I suppose we will progressively work on getting her back outside as the days towards our departure move closer.
We start filming Ghost in Machine this weekend, starting Thursday actually. We have a funeral parlor secured and now just have to find a diner to film at. We also will be working on our mock up poster for Fu and Far Between soon- the film that will take place in China. China has multiple purposes. Fu and Far Between is actually the primary one. We have submitted it to investors for 1m and will be looking for more investors in case these don't get us through. Being an Asian American, fish out of water, romantic comedy movie, I don't see how anyone would NOT want to invest in it. Film Festivals alone, it will be eligible for hundreds and the nature of its genre will make it popular. Not to mention filming in China will save us a fortune so we can spend more on production quality and talent; The talent to draw us a crowd. We can afford an A-lister in China to secure a theatrical release there... but I'm going on and on now. We've already pitched to the investors, I'll save these speeches for them.
And what about the Cafe? The Euro Cafe is picking up, though I still am stupified by the people that walk through the doors. Customers: If I give you a free plate, I am actually paying for it. I feel bad that you make whiny little faces because it takes half an hour for your damn fish to come out so I print you two bills for a reason. Because you can't figure out 20% in your head, I give you the non discounted bill so you can tip me that extra dollar that will contribute to me buying your hummus plate. Don't tip me 18% on the discounted bill. That's a real dick move. This goes for the FOD cards too. I don't know what it is, but every owner of a FOD card is extra needy and whiny. Either stop bitching about everything and stop asking for stuff when I'm already clearly busy and occupied. If I'm carrying three plates of hot food, don't ask me to stop so I can tell you what a boureka is or to fill your water glass you sucked dry the moment I walked out of the wait station that you saw me. I know you drank it so I could fill it again just for you, but I promise, I'll get to you as SOON AS I CAN. I WANT to take care of you. Your tip is how I pay my bills. I'm promise I'm not going to ignore you, I will do my best to satisfy your every need, but you've got to stop being such a needy dick. I guarantee there is NO server that tries to piss you off or make you unsatisfied. We want, no NEED your tips, making you unhappy is the last thing we want to do.
And yet, I've been in the unique situation where a repeat dick comes in and I've given up that table because I don't want to be treated like crap only for a %10 tip. If you're super dooper nice I'll take it. I've been (hell, I am) in the position where I can't afford to tip properly. But if you can't tip properly, like, really can't afford it (because remember, this is our job. We're all in a transitional spot where we want to get a better job, but this has to hack it for the time being and as such we pay our bills by your tips) at least be nice. Most of our customers our kind of awesome, but sometimes the douschbag customers really get under my irritating and bother me to a level that no human should be bothered.
Also, I promise, I'm selling you the cheesecake because it's good. I'm not trying to just get an extra %7 on the bill to raise the tippage. It's good cake. Stay away from the rum cake. It's not as good. It's edible, I'm just saying, our in-house desserts are way better.
I think that wraps up complaints for today as modified as they are.
I realize that most of my blog spot friends are in Minneapolis. Above rants go to Minneapolis resturants/cafes as well, obviously.
After work I'll be heading to Frank's to hang out and work on Interview with the Vampire. Tomorrow I'll be baking: I'm thinking creme brulee, New York cheesecake, espresso cake, chocolate volcano cakes, chocolate cigars, brown sugar cigars, maybe some fruit cheesecake if I can get my hands on fruit and a chocolate marble cheesecakes providing we're selling lots of cheesecake, and Thursday it's all about selling LEDS, Sound Equipment, and Make-Up in the Pembroke Heights/ Davie area before I head back to Delray Beach to work on Ghost in Machine.
Time to take out the laundry and get pretty to go serve. All I really want to do is go back to bed.
What what what?
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